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Cargo Insurance

Cargo insurance provides coverage against physical damage or loss of goods during shipping, whether by land, sea or air. Because of the many dangers inherent in shipping, most individuals and businesses choose to insure their goods while they are in transit.

Interest Insured

On general cargo mainly foodstuff, hardware and sundry goods, clothing, machines including its parts and accessories of similar interests whether shipped by conventional container or refrigerated /temperature control container pertaining to the Assured’s trade and business and/or has been instructed by shipper/cargo owner to insure on their behalf.


By Sea/Air/Land
From supplier factory in China & South East Asia countries to final destination



How to Decide if You Need Cargo Insurance & Who Pays for

what is “marine” cargo insurance?

It will generally cover goods from the time and place of acceptance by the carrier up to the time and place of delivery by the carrier at the final destination, and cover the rail and truck moves at either end.

Cargo Insurance Coverage

Claims Procedure

  1. Notify Tecxans Logistics (TGM) immediately.
  2. Take all practical steps to mitigate any loss, destruction or damage and to recover any property lost or damage by theft pilferage or willful means.
  3. Record all pertinent facts, surrounding the loss e.g. time, date, place, probable cause, initial estimate of loss etc.
  4. Prepare the claim documents and submit to Tecxans Logistics / the Adjuster / Insurer as soon as it is reasonably practicable.
  5. PLEASE CALL FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: (604) 5511998 / (60) 123858472